The MySQL Database Creation Wizard Step 1 The first step of the MySQL database creation wizard allows you to create a database. In the Name of database field enter the name of the database you are creating. This name will be used later when you connect to the database from any database client or tool. The Database description field allows you to provide a short description of the database. This description is used only in the control panel to remind you of the purpose of this database. Name of database carmela_ Database description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MySQL Server Host Name ( Port number 3306 MySQL databases Database name Database description Controls Add database ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL Host Name ( Port number 5432 PostgreSQL users management Add user --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add PostgreSQL user User name carmela_ Password Confirm Password --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit Miva E-Shop parameters Domain Miva E-Shop Status OK OK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit osCommerce Domain osCommerce Status OK OK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edit phpBB Domain phpBB Status OK OK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------